Like every year at the end, as icing on the cake, we organized a New Year’s masquerade ball. This year we held it on December 23. The masks were, as usual, very imaginative and creative. Children always try to be different, interesting, original, in order to receive a diploma and one of the three prizes that we award to the best masked children. We reward ideas, imagination, creativity and effort. We always insist and value a hand-made mask rather than one bought in specialized mask stores. At this year’s masquerade ball, robots, Indians, Balthazar, painter, devil, salt shaker, craftsman, Cleopatra, accordionist, Santa Claus, folklorist, doctor, Mara beetle appeared…
We showed the films that marked this year, looked back briefly at everything that marked this year, and then we had a party, played a little, snacked, drank sodas. At the very end, we handed out diplomas and prizes for the three most original designed masks. Prizes were awarded for costumes of an Indian woman, a painter, a robot and Cleopatra.