The main goal
of the International Children’s Workshop of the animated film “Golden Snail” is the activation of children and youth people through practical work on the production of animated films and education from other segments that follow film art such as drawing, sculpting, dramaturgy, filming, editing, sound and sound effects. The workshop is intended for children and youth from all over the world who are already involved in animated films, but also for absolute beginners.
The main activities
are working in groups (usually there are three and there can be more) in different animation techniques with lecturers who are well-known and recognized animators from around the world and Serbia. Groups have 10 to 15 participants of different ages (10 to 19 years old). As it is an international workshop, we try to have a participant from each of the participating countries or cities in each group. In this way, the participants get out of their comfort zone, they have to meet and communicate with children and youth from different speaking areas.
program of the international workshop are panels, press conferences, exhibitions, presentations, music programs, excursions and other activities that are adjusted every year to the current interests of our target group. The final, measurable results of the entire project are animated films created at animation workshops, documentaries, newsletters, exhibitions, as well as a really good and creative atmosphere that arises from the collision of different cultures and cultural heritage, speaking areas, geographical, social-economic-sociological differences as and the temperament of the guests and hosts who are present at the festival.
The “Golden Snail” festival is organized by the operational team of the Public Institution School of Animated Film under the auspices of the local government city of Vranje and with the traditional co-financing of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia. Every year, the SAF team finds alternative ways of financing this most important project of the institution. The “Golden Snail” festival has so far been supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Unicef, the office in Belgrade, the US Embassy in Belgrade, the Embassy of Israel in Belgrade, the Italian Cultural Institute from Belgrade, as well as numerous institutions, associations and individuals not only from Vranje. The fact that the festival is progressing and growing year after year is very significant. It has positioned itself on the map of significant cultural events in Vranje and Serbia. The festival changed and adapted to the needs of the target group. At some point, graffiti was very interesting to children and youth, and SAF organized a workshop with top masters for the first time in Vranje. The concept of each festival also changes and adapts to current social trends. We took care to mark, highlight and point out important people (Nikola Tesla), jubilees, Vranje cultural heritage (Vranje songs, Bora Stanković), ecology, healthy lifestyles, etc.
Good cooperation with the media, printed, electronic, national and local, naturally contributed to the growth of the festival in a qualitative and quantitative sense. “Live” coverage on national television and radio increases the visibility of the festival in Serbia. Also, social networks represent another channel where the festival is promoted.
International children's workshop of the animated film
The main goal
of the World Children’s Festival for the animated film “Golden Snail” is the activation of children and young people and their inclusion and engagement in social and cultural life through interesting art forms such as animated film, drawing, documentary film, graffiti, music…
The main activities
of “Snail” are films in the competition and informative program, which are prepared for the direct users of the project, but also for children and youth from elementary and high schools from Vranje. All programs are open to the public who are interested in watching animated works from recent productions.
the festival program are master class workshops, forums, press conferences, exhibitions, presentations, music programs, excursions and other activities that are adjusted every year to the current interests of our target group. The ultimate, measurable results of the entire project are animated films created at animation workshops, documentaries, newsletters, catalogs, exhibitions, as well as a really good and creative atmosphere that arises from the collision of different cultures and cultural heritage, speaking areas, geographic, social – economic – sociological the difference as well as the temperament of the guests and hosts who are present at the festival.
The “Golden Snail” festival is organized by the operational team of the Public Institution School of Animated Film under the auspices of the local government city of Vranje and with the traditional co-financing of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia. Every year, the SAF team finds alternative ways of financing this most important project of the institution. The “Golden Snail” festival has so far been supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Unicef, the office in Belgrade, the US Embassy in Belgrade, the Embassy of Israel in Belgrade, the Italian Cultural Institute from Belgrade, as well as numerous institutions, associations and individuals from companies from Vranja and all over Serbia.
The fact that the festival is progressing and growing year after year is very significant. It has positioned itself on the map of significant cultural events in Vranje and Serbia. The festival changed and adapted to the needs of the target group.
Good cooperation with the media, printed, electronic, national and local, naturally contributed to the growth of the festival in a qualitative and quantitative sense. “Live” coverage on national television and radio increases the visibility of the festival in Serbia. The development of new media, especially platforms intended for festivals, has facilitated the application process itself, as well as the number of submitted films. SAF has its accounts on various platforms that are regularly updated and maintained. Also, social networks represent another channel where the festival is promoted.